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yorkie on bed lifestyle

earthbath Blog

The Bark

10 Mood-Boosting Tips For Calming Anxious Pets

10 Mood-Boosting Tips For Calming Anxious Pets

Pets can experience anxiety and stress in a similar way that humans can. However, they can’t talk to a friend or an expert about what’s worrying them. It’s up to their humans to spot the signs of w...
Easy Ways to Keep Your Pets Clean Without Water

Easy Ways to Keep Your Pets Clean Without Water

Your furry friends are like members of the family, so you want them to be as clean and fresh as everyone else in the house. Unfortunately, sometimes your pets just don’t want to take a bath. If th...
When Can You Give a Puppy It's First Bath?

When Can You Give a Puppy It's First Bath?

Puppies have a habit of getting into things they shouldn’t, and that can leave your adorable bundle of fluff needing a bath to get him clean. But when can you give your puppy his first bath? At Wha...
Safe Traveling With Pets: What You Need to Know
Dog Behavior

Safe Traveling With Pets: What You Need to Know

If you’re taking your pet on the road with you, keep in mind the fact that it can be a bit of an ordeal for them. Unlike taking kids on a journey, you can’t explain to them how much longer the trip...
earthbath pet dry and itchy winter skin relief for pets
Natural Remedies

Natural Relief for Your Pup's Dry, Itchy Skin

Oatmeal: The Secret Super-Ingredient Your Pup's Skin Needs

Oatmeal: The Ingredient Your Pup's Skin Needs

Oatmeal has long been recognized as a natural moisturizer that temporarily relieves itching, and re-moisturizes dry skin and soothes minor skin irritations. This is true for people and pets alike. ...
Five Ways to Make Your Dog Smile This Fall

Five Ways to Make Your Dog Smile This Fall

Photo by Matthew Henry Nothing makes us smile like our dogs when they are obviously happy: there’s nothing quite like a sparkly-eyed, grinning dog to banish the blues! And here are our five favori...
We Made Improvements to Our Grooming Wipes

We Made Improvements to Our Grooming Wipes

You may be familiar with our grooming wipes, and how they are paw-fect for quick cleanups when your furry friend gets muddy paws or worse. While they are one of our most popular items, here at ear...
Don't Let Halloween be a Scary Time for Pets

Don't Let Halloween be a Scary Time for Pets

Photo by Sarah Pflug Halloween is full of frightful sugar-induced fun for kids and adults alike, but when it comes to pets, the same treats that we enjoy can cause severe illness, or worse. If ...